wodpress free plugins
1. SEO Facebook Comment
This plugin will insert a Facebook Comment Form, Open Graph Tags and ALSO insert all Facebook Comments into your WordPress Database for better SEO.
How To Install:
- Upload
folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Configure the Options of the plugin (App Id, App Secret and Admin E-mail are mandatory)
- Profit :)
2. Social Toolbar
Plugin for adding a highly customizable toolbar with color selection, social network icons, recent tweet and share buttons into footer.
- Upload the 'social-toolbar' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Put in all your custom settings in the Social Toolbar Settings page.
- Insert all your social network links in the Social Profiles page.
3.Easy Media Gallery
Easy Media Gallery (EMG) is a wordpress plugin designed to display portfolios and various media support including gallery sets, single image, google maps, video, audio and link with very ease and elegant.
For automatic installation:
The simplest way to install is to click on 'Plugins' then 'Add' and type 'Easy Media Gallery' in the search field.
For manual installation :
- Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
- Click the Add New button.
- Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
- Select the plugin zip file (easy-media-gallery.zip) from your computer then click the Install Now button.
- You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
- Click the Activate Plugin link.
4. WP YouTube Lyte
WP YouTube Lyte allows you to "lazy load" your video's, by inserting responsive "Lite YouTube Embeds". These look and feel like normal embedded YouTube, but only call the actual "fat" Flash or HTML5-player when clicked on, thereby reducing download size & rendering time substantially when embedding YouTube occasionally and improving page performance dramatically when you've got multiple YouTube video's on one and the same page.
Just install form your WordPress "Plugins|Add New" screen and all will be well. Manual installation is very straightforward as well:
- Upload the zip-file and unzip it in the
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Place a link to a YouTube clip like this; httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SQkWbRublY
5. Google Map - Widget
No API Key is required. Displays Google Map via Widget. Small or Large Map + All the usual features including Lightbox.
- From WP admin - Plugins - Add New
- Search "Google Maps by Daniel Martyn" under search and hit Enter
- Plugin will show up in the TOP on the list, click "Install Now"
To upload manually;
- Download the plugin from WordPress Repository.
- Unzip it and upload to yoursite.com/wp-content/plugin/
- From WP admin - Plugins and click "Activate" next to the plugin
- Configure plugin under Appearance - Widgets
6. Breezing Forms
Breezing Forms, a free professional and enterprise featured form builder for WordPress.
With Breezing Forms you can create simple and advanced desktop and mobile forms on-the-fly.
- In plugin manager, click "Add New"
- Search for "breezingforms"
- Click "install"
- Activate the plugin once it is installed
- Click on "BreezingForms" from the left menu and follow the instructions to complete the installation
Features :
- True Mobile Support (Premium Upgrade): Create your form once and display for Desktop and Mobiles
- Business/CRM: Salesforce® integration (Premium Upgrade)
- Sharing: Dropbox® integration (Premium Upgrade)
- MailChimp Newsletter integration
- Multipage forms
- Responsive form layouts
- Widget Support
- Shortcode helper for posts and pages
- Powerful Conditional Fields without need for Javascript
- Ajax file uploads with progress bars
- PDF, CSV & XML export (in records and as attachments)
- Many themes included
- Maxlength for textareas including "chars left" display
- Summary item: Create summary pages quickly (including calculations if you want)
- Integrator - Use your forms to integrate with other extensions
- User Editable Forms
- 18 and counting form items (from simple input to captcha items)
- Multipage forms
- PayPal and Direct Payment (Sofortüberweisung)
- "Pay to download file" feature
- Nativa Captcha and reCaptcha
- Calendar item
- Many pre-defined validations and actions
- Custom scripting
- Unlimited reply-to fields
- Reply-to files: attach files from your server to reply-to addresses
- Reply-to for select lists
- Reply-to addresses as sender addresses
- Filter data in reply-to emails
- Custom mail subjects
- File attachments from upload fields for admin and user mails
- Multiple recipients for the admin notification mails (themeable)
- User data is shown in the email notifications
- Database storage of all submitted data
- Documentation/tutorial videos
- Package system: Create your forms once and export them to other sites
- Scripts and CSS only printed when there is a form on the page (not in the entire site as this often happens with plugins)
- Developer friendly: Extend your forms within BreezingForms by using its PHP & Javascript API -- no hacking required.
If you want to add your forms to posts and pages, then please see the Breezing Forms icon on top of the text editor. It will open a shortcode helper to add the form to your post or page!